Since the school management system has so much in the library management; it makes our work simpler and far more organized.
The school management software free of any complications by EDUIM is a complete and compact package, which is intended and developed to provide anadvanced and the best of solution that looks forward at bringing in the quality in Management of books, the journals, all the article, in fact the newspapers, charts, reports etc. The system simply focuses on an excellent coordination between Library and students making e-library management system "A Success".
This ERP school management software with the library management system module pre-built; has a very good elasticity and so can fit into any form of administration and it is suitable for all types of library; be it a small or big. The software is customizable and can be adapted as per the requirement of the Library. With this software not only the Library staffand the Students get connected but all the records of student related to book issuance and return, all kind of fees and charges also can be retrieved.