To make the school management system even more gracious for the teaching and staff there are some important features in the set-up ERP. One of the chief features is the Time table management system.
This portal enables one to have a quick look at the entire schedule of the day.
‘However, the managing admin can always add on the substitutions of the day. One can generate the printed time tables for the hardcopy reference as well.
Day wise time table is demonstrated in one click respectively for each educator as per the specific log-in.
Imagine how simplified it becomes for the users to handle the entire day’s or the time table of the whole week in front of the eyes in a go.
The manager can even see the time table for the entire school to fix in the substitutes for the absent teachers that day or even sorting of class wise or faculty wise filtration could be there. It no difficult than handling yet another excel sheet.
So, there could be a class view, faculty view and even one window specific for the students to check for their respective additional subjects or the vocational classes available for one week.
There could be amendments as per the requirement for any class or any teacher. School management system India based generally has a lot of subjects based on the diverse study pattern. The organization and settlement of same is very much necessary for practical implication.
We at EDUIM customize the timetable module and in fact the entire ERP or school management system as per the requirement of the institution.